Sunday, November 30, 2008

discover the secrets of using an abdominal exercise machine for sexy scuplted abs

Discover the Secrets of Using An Abdominal Exercise Machine for Sexy, Scuplted AbsWriten by Gregg Gillies

When it comes to fitness and exercise equipment, there are a
lot of different options to choose from. This is especially
true when talking about an abdominal exercise machine.

After all, the abs are the one thing everyone wants to improve upon.
For guys, it's the six-pack, and for women, it's a flat, toned and tight tummy.
And most people feel that if they can get a flat stomach, all the
other areas of their body will follow.

So we're bombarded with infomercials that focus on the be all end
all wonderous inovation of their latest and greatest abdominal exercise
machine. If you just get that one machine, then you're all set!

Six pack abs, here we come! Yes, there was a little bit of sarcasm
in that last part. After all, if it were that easy, if we just needed
the latest, greatest abdominal exercise machine for great abs, we'd
all have them by now. Instead, we seem to keep getting fatter. It
doesn't really make any sense, does it?

Let me make a few points about ab exercise and getting a flat, lean,
six-pack stomach.

Diet, weight training, and cardio play the biggest role in
getting a flat stomach, not ab exercises or any one abdominal exercise

Most ab exercise equipment is pure junk.

Most people go about training their abdominal muscles in the
wrong way.

With that being said, let's look at what you can do to train your
abs the right way, and what type of abdominal exercise machine can
help you do it better, faster, and in more comfort.

Let's address point one above. Many ab machine advertisers, especially
on infomercials, will lead you to believe that working on their adbominal
exercise equipment will lead to weight loss and fat reduction,
especially in the region of the abs, ie, getting rid of the bulging
belly. This is incorrect on multiple points.

First, working your abs, especially on those '6 minutes to great abs'
routines, burns very few calories. Second, you can't spot reduce,
which is the outdated idea that you will lose fat directly from the
area that you exercise.

In fact, your fat goes on based on your genetics, and this is also
the way it comes off, and usually in the reverse order. And the abs
is usually the last place fat loss occurs. You'll see it on your
hands, face, neck, etc. first, before your stomach.

A quality abdominal exercise machine will strengthen your abdominal
muscles, which will lead to a leaner, more toned stomach. But
understand this - you won't see that leaner toned stomach, until
you remove the fat that is covering up your abs!

Have you seen a relatively flat stomach on someone but it's not
firm or toned? This is most likely because they don't work their
ab muscles, so their abs aren't developed enough to give a tigher,
leaner look to the stomach.

So it's very important to work your abs. But keep in mind the
points being made here, that you need an overall fat loss,
exercise, and nutrition program to lose the fat covering your
abs so people can see the tight sexy stomach you've developed on
your abdominal exercise machine.

A great thing about a good ab machine is that it will keep you
working your abs. Let's face it, ab training is boring and doing
conventional ab exercises like floor crunches, sit ups, leg
raises and reverse lying crunches can be very uncomfortable,
if not downright painful, and a lot of people develop neck problems.
An abdominal exercise machine plays an important role in
avoiding these issues.

If you keep this in mind, you'll know what to expect from ab exercise
and abdominal machines. This way, you'll keep using it as part of
an overall muscle building, fat loss program, instead of letting
the machine gather dust because you didn't lose your stomach fat
from working your abs six minutes a day.

Gregg Gillies is the founder of
His articles have appeared in Ironman Magazine. He has written two books
and is a regular contributor to Body Talk Magazine. He publishes a free
fitness newsletter available at his site that includes
lots of weight training tips, fat loss, nutrition and exercise
program information to help you build your best body as quickly as
possible. check it out at Build Muscle and Lose Fat
and see how you can get a customized nutrition plan at

Saturday, November 29, 2008

growth hormone releasers forget about supplements exercise

Growth Hormone Releasers: Forget About Supplements; Exercise!Writen by Gabe Mirkin, M.D.

Entrepreneurs claim that growth hormone levels decrease with age, and that their products will help you combat the effects of this process. It is true that growth hormone levels drop as a person ages, but there is no evidence whatever that lack of growth hormone causes aging or that taking growth hormone slows aging, and the evidence that growth hormone grows muscle and gets rid of fat is highly controversial. Furthermore, it is against the law to sell growth hormone without a prescription, so these products do not contain any growth hormone.

Products that are sold as growth hormone releasers are just amino acids, the building blocks of protein, that are the same as the protein you get in your food. Anything that you eat can be called a growth hormone releaser because all foods raise blood levels of growth hormone temporarily. When you eat protein, blood levels of growth hormone rise even higher. Growth hormone releaser pills cost much more than food and have not been shown to raise blood levels better than the ordinary foods you eat every day.

Exercise can also be called a growth hormone releaser because every time that you exercise, blood levels of growth hormone rise. Exercise raises growth hormone levels more than and longer than eating does. Recent research shows that growth hormone levels are lowered by having lots of fat stored in your belly. However, no one knows whether these growth hormone manipulations have any effect on the aging process since we have no dependable tests for aging. The commonly used tests to measure aging actually measure fitness. To reduce the effects of aging and improve your performance on all medical tests of aging, start an exercise program. If you want to gain muscle and lose fat, reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates and fatty foods; eat plenty of the foods that come from plants (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and other seeds); and maintain a regular, vigorous exercise program.

Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at

Free weekly newsletter on fitness, health and nutrition

dont forget your treadmill surge suppressor

Don't Forget Your Treadmill Surge SuppressorWriten by Tim Gorman

After all the time, research, effort, and money you put into selecting your personal home treadmill, you must now do one more thing to protect your valuable investment. Dont forget to order your treadmill surge suppressor.

Almost everyone knows the importance of plugging personal computers and electronics equipment into a surge protector, but few people remember that electrical surges can cause irreparable damage to their exercise equipment, as well. After all, almost every treadmill model comes with some computerized features now-a-days.

Electrical surges typically cause damage to treadmills that costs anywhere from $200 to $400 to repair. This damage can be avoided or prevented with a treadmill surge protector. Deluxe models cost anywhere from $15 to $30, and basic models are available for under $10.

Not only will damage from electrical surges cost you money, it will also mean your treadmill will be down until you can find time to have it repaired. Sometimes this means shipping it back to the manufacturer, waiting weeks or even months, then eating the cost of the return shipping and handling as well. In the meantime, you are either missing workouts or dealing with the hassle of going to the gym the same hassle you bought your treadmill to avoid!

So when you order your treadmill, or if you already have one, do not forget to take a moment, choose a treadmill surge suppressor, and include it in your order right away. Remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! It is always worthwhile to protect any investment.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more treadmill reviews, treadmill ratings and treadmill buying information that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Friday, November 28, 2008

compare treadmills amp read all treadmill reviews before buying one

Compare Treadmills & Read All Treadmill Reviews Before Buying OneWriten by Phil Beckett

Compare treadmills and their features before making a decision. The number of features plus the fact that the prices of treadmills can range from about $500 all the way to $10,000 means that you must compare treadmills as much as possible.

Some lower priced treadmills can actually have a better treadmill rating than some that cost thousands of dollars more. There are many things to consider before you buy any treadmill.

Here are just a few different points to take into account when making a treadmill comparison:

Compare treadmills tip #1: Determine how much you are will to spend before you go shopping.

As mentioned above, the cost of a treadmill can vary greatly. This is truly a case of you get what you paid for. You'll find this true with any treadmill reviews you can find.

The cheaper treadmills simply aren't built to last.

On the other hand you don't have to rush out and do a treadmill comparison of only the most expensive treadmills. After all, in a lot of cases you're only paying for the fancy add-ons and other gadgets.

Compare treadmills tip #2: Check around. Don't go to one location and buy right away. Compare treadmills at all of your local treadmill stores.

Possibly the most overlooked place to purchase a treadmill is online. Online exercise equipment stores offer many more advantages over regular stores. Check as many of them out as well.

When searching online try to locate some good exercise equipment reviews that will help you narrow down your search.

Compare treadmills #3: What will you use it for? Before making any treadmill comparison you need to determine exactly what you will use it for. Will you be doing a casual walk now and then? Will you use it for a light jog each day? Or will you use it for intense running?

The more you intend to use it, the more money you will have to pay. Most treadmills under $2000 cannot handle daily running.

Compare treadmills tip #4: How much space do you have set aside in your home for your treadmill?

This is one area that a lot of consumers overlook. Just where will you put that treadmill once you get it? Also, you will have to leave approximately 2 extra feet of space on all sides of it.

If you are using your treadmill to run on or are a tall person, you will need a treadmill with a longer belt (the surface you run on). Running requires a longer stride so keep this in mind.

Compare treadmills tip #5: Test before you buy. Regardless if a treadmill rating is high on certain models and not on others, test for yourself. Even if one model gets good treadmill reviews online, you still have to test it if at all possible.

Most treadmills sold online will also be sold at exercise equipment stores. You have to determine if it will work for your unique situation regardless of what the online treadmill reviews say.

Compare treadmills tip #6: Performance. When you test out any treadmill make sure you take note of how smooth it runs and how quiet it is. Treadmills with cheaper parts (but a high price tag) tend to make a lot of noise and vibrate somewhat.

Compare treadmills tip #7: Warranty concerns. Check out the warranty in great detail. All manufactures are different. Most are quite different when it comes to the motor, the belt (the belt you run on), the frame and various options.

A lot of the cheaper treadmills only offer a year or less on the belt. If the belt breaks after that, you can expect to pay an additional $500 or much more for a replacement.

Compare treadmills tip #8: What safety features should you look for? Probably the biggest one is an emergency stop button. This is very helpful in case you slip and fall off the treadmill. You also have to determine if it will support your body weight.

Some treadmills don't support as much as you think. The last thing you want to have happen is for the treadmill frame to break when you have it on an incline or are running. You could get seriously injured.

Compare treadmills tip #9: What top speed will you need. Most treadmills have different sized motors and therefore will run at different speeds. Make sure it can handle the speed you want to run at.

So there are just a few points to keep in mind when buying a treadmill. It is a big financial decision, so do your homework ahead of time. Read as many treadmill reviews or treadmill ratings as you can find.

Phil Beckett is a health & fitness trainer, author & educator. He can get you the results you want in less time with less work. Compare treadmills & find extensive treadmill reviews, at:

health tips for busy people healthy diet amp exercise in the office

Health Tips For Busy People: Healthy Diet & Exercise In the OfficeWriten by Ian Mason

Many womens lifestyle magazines frustrate us by providing exercise regimens for work and then adding: You can do this exercise in your office! What about those of us who work in a cube or other small space (with no floor space for Pilates-style stretches) thats not very private (do you really want your boss to wander by right when youre doing jumping jacks?). Even if you are cube-confined, you can maintain your health in a cube.

Make A Health Drawer

Your filing spaces are your friends. Most cubes have lots of little drawers. Make one of them a health drawer. Add a ziplock bag or two with healthy non-perishable snacks in it (maybe dried veggies), a few bags of herbal, non-caffeinated tea (switch over from coffee midday to help you sleep better at night), and a travel-size hand-sanitizing gel for use regularly when theres a cold going around the office (did you know most colds are transmitted through shared objects like doorknobs?). A decorative canvas bag can store an extra pair of athletic shoes in case you can take a 10 minute walk or stretch break over lunch.

Get Blood Back To Your Brain:

Pop goes the weasel. When you sit in a cube in front of a computer or on the phone for hours at a time, gravity pulls your blood towards your feet. It pools in your feet, ankles, and fanny; if youre ever noticed your feet looking puffy towards the end of the day, the puffiness may be a side-effect of having blood spending so much time down there! Our arm and leg muscles function as pumps to get blood back to the heart.

While you could just do jumping jacks to get the blood flowing back upwards, there are less noticeable ways to get blood moving: If youve got a shelf in your high in your cube, keep daily useables (paperclips, stapler) there; getting up regularly will remind you to stretch. While standing lift your legs up at the knee, one at a time, to help get blood flowing. One enterprising woman kept a postcard pinned up towards the very top of her cube wall - and kept an ever-growing collection of postcards that she exchanged every day in the afternoon. The new postcard each day perked her up, and it gave her a reminder to get up and stretch several times a day.

Muscular injury is common in the desk-job world. The Center for Disease Control reports that 92,576 injuries resulted from repetitive motion, including typing or key entry. Make sure to take breaks from the keyboard at least once an hour. Use a wrist support at your computer when you are typing or browsing, Your forearm, wrist, and hand should be on a level, not making a V. The Harvard RSI action group suggests some exercises to help prevent repetitive stress injuries ( If you spend a lot of time on the phone and cant use a speaker phone, dont hold the phone by crunching your shoulder against your ear. Instead, invest in or ask for a headset or shoulder support for your receiver.

Drink Plenty Of Water:

Drinking water is very important. It can help you recover from a cold more quickly (though it doesnt cure it), replenish lost fluids after exercise, and assist in weight loss (many people think they are hungry when they are actually thirsty, so make sure to take a drink before diving for the candy machine). Keep a four-cup bottle or thermos near the computer and replenish daily. Dont overdo though - excess water can dilute important minerals and vitamins in your blood stream.

Make Sure To Take Your Vitamins & Other Pills:

Pill reminders. Do you need regularly forget to take vitamins because youre busy? Find an attractive, desk-top container to put the bottle in - a decorative flower pot is one option. Something attractive and eye catching will remind you its there. This can also work for daily medications, but keep in mind that some medications can be toxic to others or have street-value (many prescribed pain killers), so these are medications that should stay with you, rather than your desk.

American Council on Exercise, How much water is too much?, 2005

Center for Disease Control, Repetitive Stress/Strain Injuries,

Tyrrell, D., Fielder, M. , Cold Wars: The Fight against the Common Cold,
Oxford University Press, 2003

Ian Mason, owner of Shoppe.MD, your source for Online Prescription Medications and health news.

Ian studies health, weight loss, exercise, and several martial arts; maintaining several websites in an effort to help provide up-to-date and helpful information for other who share his interests in health of body and mind.

Contact Ian Mason by e-mail at

Thursday, November 27, 2008

how to find the best recommended treadmills

How To Find The Best Recommended Treadmill'sWriten by Tim Gorman

In today's increasingly fitness orientated world, treadmills can be an easy and convenient way to exercise without spending hours running around busy streets or parks allowing you the opportunity to acquire and maintain a good level of fitness even if you choose to exercise while watching a favorite soap opera or day time talk show. Treadmills can be expensive and before purchasing one it is highly recommended and necessary to make sure that it is both within your financial budget and that the treadmill is capable of meeting your fitness needs, expectations and desires. There are many ways to find out which are the best recommended treadmills, to include reading exercise magazines and visiting fitness orientated web sites. Many of these include a exercise machine review section which will guide you towards the best machine for your price range.

Some of the more upscale and expensive treadmills come with a large amount of extra features, which although useful if you use them, are not entirely necessary and could mean that you may be paying more than you need to when buying your treadmill. However, if you want a more expansive machine some treadmills do come with features, which can be extremely useful and are well worth paying the extra money for when it comes time to pay. Many of the best recommended treadmills come with added safety features and pushbutton controls, which are much more convenient than on some of the cheaper or less well designed machines.

Depending on your budget, and the range of features that you require you can pay as a little as $300 or less or over $1000 for a treadmill. Whether you are looking to buy the cheaper or the more expensive option it is still worth researching the best recommended treadmills in your price range. Even some of the cheap treadmills, although not as sophisticated as their more expensive rivals, are built to a good standard and are perfectly adequate for normal daily use. One particular feature that you definitely want to check on is the length of the manufactures warranty, which in some cases can be as little as 90 days.

When you're looking at the reviews for the best recommended treadmills another important consideration is the stability of the treadmill itself. If the running belt is to narrow this places your feet in an awkward position and doesn't position them to be far enough apart allowing you to run safely and in a stable fashion. Additionally, if you're constantly concentrating on maintaining stability, then it will make the whole process of exercise a good deal more tiring, stressful and less enjoyable. You want to also be sure to double check the recommended or allowable weight limit on the treadmill machines that you are considering purchasing, especially on some of the cheaper models. Of course this won't be a problem if you don't weigh very much, but if you're heavier and looking to start running in order to reduce your weight it could be important to know if the weight limit for the machine is very low in order to prevent any sports or running injury from taking place.

Whether you are spending $300 or $1000 on a treadmill or indoor running machine it is important to make sure that you get good value for your money and that the machine will do what you require safely and effectively. In order to meet this requirement it is worth taking a little time and trouble to check through the various web sites and magazines to make sure that the machine you are thinking of buying is the best of its type at your available budget.

Some time spent researching this information before you buy will pay dividends in the long run and ensure that the machine you buy is really one of the best recommended treadmills.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more treadmill ratings, recommendations and information on finding the best recommended treadmills that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

home treadmills no more excuses

Home Treadmills - No More Excuses!Writen by Caroline Smith

No more excuses! Treadmills can be used in the comfort and privacy of your home, so there is no excuse about bad weather to stop you from achieving your fitness goals! Treadmills enable you to do natural exercises such as walking and running, giving you a fantastic cardiovascular workout. As well as improving your physical fitness levels, regular exercise can help you lose weight, reduce stress and increase your mental wellbeing.

If you have made the decision to implement some positive lifestyle changes, why not look into buying a treadmill? There is a huge range of different models on the market these days, so it can be difficult to know which is the best treadmill for your needs. The internet is a great place to find treadmills reviews and ratings, so you can easily compare the features and prices of a variety of models. Think about your personal requirements and your budget. For example, if you are just starting out, do you really need a lot of fancy controls and gadgets? How about looking at some used treadmills? Secondhand models can be great value and be sufficient for your needs. Manual treadmills offer a cheap alternative to motorized machines.

With a determined commitment to a treadmill exercise program you should soon see pleasing results. With all the deadlines and time pressures of modern life, many people find they lack the motivation to go out to a gym, especially after a hard day at work. So, a home treadmill offers an ideal solution. Treadmills are designed to be easy to use, safe and reliable. If you are concerned about space, a folding treadmill could be a great option, as it can be easily folded up and stored under the bed or in a closet. The beauty of having your own private treadmill is you can use it any time you fancy, and you get to choose whether you listen to music, watch TV or read a magazine at the same time. So, exercising can be a lot of fun!

With a treadmill you can take a step in the right direction to change your life!

Caroline Smith is a successful freelance writer and regular contributor to your one stop source for finding the best, impartial treadmill ratings and treadmill reviews. Kickstart your fitness goals with the best selection of home treadmills at discount prices.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

inexpensive exercise machine gets the results of a 12000 treadmill

Inexpensive Exercise Machine Gets The Results Of A $12,000 TreadmillWriten by Mike Boyd

Whether you're on a low carb diet or a low fat diet, its important to exercise if you want to accelerate your weight loss while dieting.

Would you be interested, to find a piece of inexpensive exercise equipment that could help you achieve the same results you'd see from a $12,000 treadmill? My answer to that question was sure, but its probably just hype for one of those TV gimmicks that don't really work. And besides, I'm not a big fan of treadmills either, because of long term knee problems.

Treadmills have been shown in numerous studies to be the best cardio workout around. They use all of your lower body. Quadriceps on the front of your legs,hamstrings to the back, your calves,your butt,and your hips. The more muscle you use at a time, the more fat you burn. And that means more of the right kind of weight loss.

So whats this equipment that works all those areas and doesn't cost and arm and a leg? An elliptical trainer. An elliptical machine is a low to no impact machine that feels something like cross country skiing combined with cycling.

Elliptical machines are comfortable and adjustable just like an exercise bike and they can burn as many calories as an expensive treadmill on high incline. They're easily adjusted from no resistance to as high as your level of fitness requires.

Of course the people that make the treadmills for 12 grand also make some really expensive and elaborate ellipticals too. Tastes vary, but I can tell you, that having recently had the opportunity to use both kinds, I found in my case, that I actually preferred the feeling of the inexpensive elliptical machine to the expensive one.

Elliptical machines come in many different types, with some featuring extended handles that move as you walk and work your arms and shoulders too. Some that we've found, range from a couple hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. In my mind, the elliptical trainer is the best piece of equipment out there and not just because it burns fat fast. Its the first cardio machine I've ever used that I actually don't mind using.

Mike Boyd is a successful diet and fitness writer and a regular contributor to the popular

ab exercise equipment a straightup review

Ab Exercise Equipment - A Straight-Up ReviewWriten by Ernest R Peterson

Are you in perfect shape for summer yet? Those sunny days are just around the corner and everyone is out shopping for their revealing, sexy bathing suits. How will your new swimwear fit on you? Let's run a quick check. Are those legs toned and those arms fit? Have you been keeping up with your daily crunches and sit-ups?

Uh-oh, that one always gets people, I know it . Those darn abs workouts. Let me tell you the truth. Although they can be a little annoying at times, they're necessary to say the least. I can't overemphasize them. Come on, we all want to display a great set of abs and walk around showing them to everyone. Why else do you think we have so much abs exercise equipment reigning the fitness market at all times? Regardless of your gender, the abs are absolutely critical. Are you testing out some of the new-age abs exercise equipment?

When it comes to abs exercise equipment, I don't have any. I prefer to do all my exercises without machine interference. You know, all those traditional exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, leg-raises, dips, etc. Now, this is not the chosen route for every individual who is striving to stay fit. Many people prefer some of the latest benches, treadmills, stairmasters, and abs exercise equipment on the market. This stuff is great if you can afford it. Why not take advantage of any contemporary aids if available? If you have the money and think it fits you, I say go for it.

Let's take my wife as an example. My wife has one of those big rubber balls you see pretty girls swear by on television ads. While I'm pretty certain that they have a more politically correct name, I don't know what it is. She uses this abs exercise equipment for a wide array of stomach and back workouts. I have to admit that I was rather surprised the first time I saw it. I could certainly see how it would provide you with a strenuous workout and build your muscles. She continues to use it daily for a variety of exercises.

What abs exercise equipment do you prefer? Maybe you get your frequent dose of abs exercise equipment at the local gym or fitness club. They typically have a variety of abs exercise equipment ready at your service. Regardless of what regimes you prefer, you know that your daily dose of abs workouts are compulsory for keeping that bare, tight, flat tummy. If you are in need of advice concerning abs exercise equipment or just simple routines, you can hop online and acquire anything your heart desires. From diet plans, to fitness regimes galore, you will find it all on the World-Wide-Web. They are abundant and free! Get started today and get those abs you've always wanted! provides our readers with the latest reviews, articles and write-ups on all skin and health-care related issues.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

high blood pressure salt or insulin exercise two new studies

High Blood Pressure: Salt or Insulin? Exercise? Two New StudiesWriten by Gabe Mirkin, M.D.

Nowhere in medicine is there more confusion than the issue of salt as a cause of high blood pressure. At the 2006 meeting of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Dr. Abdul-Rahman of Newark, Delaware reported that people who lowered blood insulin levels had a significant reduction in high blood pressure even though they also markedly increased their salt intake (Endocrinology Practice, Volume 12, 2006).

These obese patients increased their daily salt intake from less than two grams a day to more than 20 grams a day. They avoided starchy and sugary foods and lost around 12 pounds in six weeks. They did not count calories. Their average blood sugars dropped from 106 to 98, average fasting insulin from 21 to 14 mu/ml and average systolic blood pressure from 96 to 88. Some of the patients were able to stop their blood pressure drugs. This study and others show that high blood insulin levels are an important cause of high blood pressure, and that these people can lower insulin levels by avoiding refined carbohydrates and losing weight.

If humans are like rats, those with high blood pressure will live longer when they exercise, even if their blood pressures do not return to normal. Rats can be bred to develop a genetic trait in which they develop high blood pressure, but when they exercise, they live much longer than the rats that do not exercise (Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, May 2006).

Having high blood pressure can kill you. It increases your chances of suffering a heart attack, stroke, or kidney disease. Exercise usually lowers high blood pressure because high blood pressure usually is determined by blood volume. Anything that reduces blood volume also reduces high blood pressure. That's why diuretics are the most effective drugs to lower high blood pressure. Exercising for a few minutes usually does not lower high blood pressure, but exercising for several hours dehydrates you and usually does lower high blood pressure. This study shows that even if exercise does not lower high blood pressure in rats, it still helps them to live longer, and the same may apply to you.

Subscribe to my FREE weekly newsletter on fitness, health, and nutrition.

Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports -- and the FREE Good Food Book -- at

best treadmills

Best TreadmillsWriten by Richard Romando

Treadmills are personalized equipment a treadmill that works well for one may turn out to be a back breaker for another. While buying a treadmill, it is good to go through the manual and see whether it has the features you desire. It is even better if you try out the treadmill for a while before zeroing in on the purchase.

Among treadmills, the most expensive is not necessarily the best. It all depends on what exercises you are looking to do. If you want to walk, then a belt with a lesser width and length would do just fine. For exercises such as jogging and sprinting, wider and longer belts are required. While buying treadmills, the most important parts to be considered are the deck and the belt. The belt must be free to rotate without jagging or sagging, and must not tilt to one side as it runs along. The deck must be heavy enough to remain unmoved on the floor, without getting the leveling disturbed again and again.

Safety features must also be considered, especially if there are children. Certain treadmills require keys to operate. Also check that the handrails are within reach while working out. Gripping the handrail must not create undue pressure.

Consider how many people at home are going to use the treadmill before using it. If there is more than one person, then it is better to go for one which has customized controls for each person. In features such as heartbeat and blood pressure counter, identification with passwords at the computer console enables you to keep track of your personal information without confusing it with others. Also, if multiple people are going to work out on the treadmill, it is better to purchase a sturdier one, even though it may be more expensive. Maintenance should also be undertaken more often.

Judging by the opinions of treadmill users, Landice and Smooth remain favorites. Landice is an old hand in the business, and has changed very little. Landish treadmills are still quite conservative when it comes to features, though now they are putting in several appealing modifications. Landice treadmills are also quite expensive. Smooth treadmills remain preferable for home users. They are sleek and can also work for a fairly good amount of time. Weslo is a good brand, and its treadmills are often priced at the lower end of the spectrum, making them economically viable buys.

It is important to check out what warranties are provided by treadmill manufacturers before purchasing. Treadmills contain moving parts, such as the motor, deck and belt, which makes them more susceptible to malfunction.

Treadmills provides detailed information about treadmills, treadmill reviews, best treadmills, used treadmills and more. Treadmills is the sister site of Big Muscles.

Monday, November 24, 2008

exercise bikes reviews and advice

Exercise Bikes - Reviews and AdviceWriten by Martin Smith

Two types of exercise bikes are available. The design of the upright bike resembles that of a typical road bike but they are stationary. The pedals are positioned below the rider and puts added stress on the joints. The seat on the recumbent bikes seat resembles chairs and the pedals are out in front of the rider so that pedaling is more natural and puts less stress on the joints.

Other types of exercise bikes are available as well. Dual action exercise bikes are upright bikes that have moveable bars or arm handles. You use both of your arms and your legs on this bike. While using this bike you will experience aerobic activity and upper body toning.

There is variety with resistance bikes as well. With direct tension bikes you can manually adjust the resistance you use. The cycling motion on a bike with flywheels is like regular cycling motion. Bikes with air assistance get resistance by pedaling against the airflow of a fan blade.

The most sophisticated resistance bikes are magnetic frictionless resistance bikes. These bikes provide greater variety of workout levels. On more advanced bikes there are feedback mechanisms that show the following readouts: speed, time, distance , total calories and fat burned, program mode, resistance levels, pulse, heart rate, and work out levels (RPM, watts, METS, mpms, and mph/kph).

The bike you choose to purchase will depend on your wants and needs. The type of workout youre looking for will also influence your choice of bikes. A great cardio workout focused on the quadriceps is provided by an upright bike. You are seated in a reclining position on a recumbent bike.

Your back is supported by the seat and your legs are out in front of you. The hamstring muscles and the gluteus muscles get worked. Your lower back is less stressed on a recumbent bike. Some upright exercise bikes will have handlebars that move in a simulated rowing motion.

Your back and chest and your arm and back muscles will get a workout. You will get an excellent cardiovascular workout and calorie burning experience with both of these bikes. The bike should be matched to your size. Exercise bikes for the most part are easily adjusted for almost any body type.

There is a variety of reasons why people use exercise bikes. Cyclists use them to keep up their level of fitness in the off season. Many people feel embarrassed about exercising in front of people so they use them at home. Physical therapy programs also use exercise bikes in their programs to promote healing and the regaining the use of knee and hip joints.

Some cardiac rehab programs use them as well, to promote endurance and greater cardiac health. Exercise bikes can be purchased in sports stores, department stores like Wal-mart or Sears, as well as online. Buying them from a store makes it easier to match the bike to your space, to your body size, and your budget.

Buying online creates the risk of you not getting exactly what you ordered. The bike you ordered may not have the exact specs or may be bigger or smaller than what you ordered. Taking delivery is another problem with ordering online. It is very likely that the delivery company will not bring it into your house, you will have to bring it in and set it up.

Even though you are buying it in a store this is true, unless you contract with someone to do the entire process including setting it up. You can purchase service contracts from a store like Sears, in case of a problem. No matter what the reason you have for purchasing an exercise bike, it will only work if you use it.

You should check with your doctor to make sure you are healthy before starting a new exercise routine. At first you should start out slow and build up endurance. Your endurance will improve if you start out slow.

Have fun, be safe and be healthy.

If your looking for tips and advice on Exercise Bikes or fitness equipment in general, Martin Smith had a resource of information available. From Exercise Bikes to Home Fitness Equipment you'll find something.

different types of exercise equipment and many different ways to exercise

Different Types of Exercise Equipment and Many Different Ways to ExerciseWriten by Todd Bush

There are many different types of exercise equipment and many different ways to exercise. Most people will undoubtedly think that it doesnt matter very much what kind of exercise you do just as long as you are being active you are being healthier. To some extent this is true you are being healthier no matter what type of exercise you get. This can lead to all kinds of benefits, but there are different types of exercises for a reason. There is elliptical equipment, exercise bikes, water aerobics and so on, including strength training equipment. Strength training equipment is used specifically to help you to build muscle.

Building muscle and muscle strength is important for a variety of reasons. Stronger muscles help you through daily life. The weights lifted in strength training help to build up your bone density. These means that you will have less chance of breaking a bone or of developing osteoporosis. Also by building up your muscle you get nice tone and shape to whatever part of the body you are working on. Men are more likely than women to increase their muscle size in terms of bulk, but there are lots of women bodybuilders and both genders can use strength training equipment as part of their regimen to build up big muscles.

Strength training equipment comes in many forms as well. The traditional form is in iron or metal free weights that you can put on and take off of a bar to increase and decrease the amount of weight you lift. You can also find strength training equipment in the form of weight training machines that are usually considered safer than using free weights and easier to work with. Also there is strength training equipment in the form of tubing or elastic that works your muscles by increasing tension making it harder to pull. Be sure to look up strength training equipment reviews online.

Read more strength training equipment articles and strength training equipment reviews news or visit our strength training equipment site.

get well exercise tips for fibromyalgia sufferers

Get Well: Exercise Tips for Fibromyalgia SufferersWriten by Kathryn Whittaker

If you suffer from fibromyalgia, it is possible that you will benefit from a carefully constructed exercise program. However, those who have fibromyalgia are often not in the best of shape, so it is important to implement the exercise carefully and with a plan in mind. Here are some exercise tips for fibromyalgia sufferers that can help you to feel better and get your active lifestyle back again.

If you have fibromyalgia, you may not feel like exercising. So, then, why do it? Part of implementing exercise to cope with fibromyalgia is understanding why you would do that.

Exercise can lessen your pain and prevent weakness of your muscles. Endurance exercise, like walking and cycling, can help you become stronger overall and give you additional energy. In a nutshell, exercise will help you feel better overall. As long as you do it the right way, exercise can be one of the most effective treatments for those who suffer from fibromyalgia.

Start Slowly

If you suffer from fibromyalgia, you know that you are not usually energetic and that your body has likely become somewhat stagnant. Because of the blow to your overall physical fitness, you should make sure you start slowly. With that in mind, one of the best exercise tips or fibromyalgia suffers is to go from low amounts and intensities in your workouts and work up to the higher ones and longer sessions. Helpful exercises for those with fibromyalgia include low impact exercises, walking, and anything that may be designed for those with arthritis. Water exercise classes and programs, in fact, are as good as any for those with fibromyalgia.

Stretch First

No matter what exercise you choose to help you with your fibromyalgia, you have to stretch first. No matter what, one of the top exercise tips for fibromyalgia sufferers you will get is to stretch. Stretching helps your body warm up before activity begins. Additionally, it is its own type of exercise and can improve blood flow. You will also greatly reduce the risk of injury as you exercise if you remember to stretch first.

Soreness is Okay

Another one of the exercise tips for fibromyalgia sufferers is to expect some soreness. Listen to your body and make sure you dont overdo things, but when you start a new exercise program, you are gong to feel some soreness. As you continue your program and become stronger, though, the soreness will likely begin to subside. If, though, the pain gets worse or is intense, then it is time to cut back on the exercise. Additionally, talk to your doctor before you start an exercise program to make sure your fibromyalgia will cause no complications. If he or she gives you the okay then you will be on your way to feeling better and being happier.

With the help of these exercise tips for fibromyalgia sufferers, you can aid in your own treatment. Exercise will help you feel stronger and increase your stamina. Before you know it, if you plan it right, you will be exercising more and feeling your fibromyalgia less. In the end, isnt that the only goal you really have?

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Health & Beauty related topics. To access more information on cymbalta fibromyalgia or on fibromyalgia syndrome, please click on the links.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

home exercise equipment choosing the proper equipment for your workout routine

Home Exercise Equipment - Choosing the Proper Equipment For Your Workout RoutineWriten by C.J. Gustafson

The fitness industry has become big business as more and more people work out to get in shape. Many companies have gotten onboard the bandwagon, and the number of different types and brands of home exercise equipment available is amazing. While it is great to have options, trying to figure out which piece of home fitness equipment is right for you can be an overwhelming process. One way to help manage all this information is to identify what type of exercise or training you plan to do. Add in other factors such as your personal fitness level, budget, and space available and pick the equipment that best fits your criteria.

What Is Your Goal?

Before purchasing an exercise bike, treadmill or other type of home fitness equipment, it is important to decide what it is you hope to accomplish. Are you trying to lose weight? Perhaps you want to get in shape, tone your muscles? Maybe you want a good cardio workout? Or you may have several of these results in mind. Exercise equipment varies in its effectiveness in certain areas and by knowing what you want from your workout, you will be able to focus on those that do what you want.

Assess your Fitness Level

Also do an assessment of your comfort level with different types of exercise or movement. Do you have weak knees or a bad back? Would you rather sit than stand? How is your balance? Each type of home fitness equipment requires you to use different posture and movements and you dont want to pick something that will cause injury or irritate an existing condition. You also dont want equipment that is uncomfortable to use because it will be difficult to stick to your routine.

Space Considerations

The fact is, if you live in a small apartment or have limited space in your home, you may not have room for a large piece of equipment like a home gym or weight sets. Many pieces of equipment fold up for storage, but if you have to move the coffee table or love seat every time you want to fold out the treadmill, you are less likely to exercise on a regular basis.

Whats In Your Wallet?

Some exercise equipment can be quite expensive, especially for a quality product. On the other hand, you can purchase some equipment off TV ads or special promotions for a very reasonable price, but does the stuff really work? And will it last for more than a few weeks? Most experts recommend that you wait to purchase home fitness equipment until you can afford to purchase something that has good customer satisfaction ratings and is made by a respected fitness equipment manufacturer. Also be aware that some types of equipment cost more than others and may not fit your needs or your budget no matter how long you save.

Consider Your Choices

Once you have assessed your needs and situation, you can evaluate the different types of equipment against your criteria.

Exercise bikes have been around for decades and have improved in design and function over the years. They have been proven to provide weight loss and health benefits if used consistently and correctly. They offer a good cardio workout as well, while limiting impact and injury to knees and other leg joints. They typically do not fold up and can tend to take up space. Exercise bikes fall in the economy or moderate range for price in comparison to other types of home fitness equipment, although some can be quite expensive, especially if they are computerized.

Recumbent exercise bikes, which put users in a slightly reclined position, place less stress on the back and knees but tend to cost more. Some people find the position and motion uncomfortable if they are used to traditional bike riding.

Treadmills are another type of fitness equipment that has been around for some time. They also provide a good cardio workout if properly used, and many come with built in features such as an adjustable platform and computerized workout to help enhance the effects of your exercise routine. There is some jarring and joint stress involved with running, on a treadmill or other surface, so this equipment may not be a good choice for those with knee and hip concerns.

Some treadmills fold up for storage, making them a good choice for those with limited space. Treadmills run the gamut in price range, and can usually fit in any budget, but in most cases you get what you pay for and a very inexpensive model may not be safe or effective.

Elliptical trainers are the latest craze in home fitness equipment. They provide the exercise benefits of walking or running while eliminating the impact on hips, knees, or ankles. This can be good for those with injuries or weakness in those areas. But others who are concerned about building or maintaining bone density may prefer a different type of equipment.

Some elliptical machines fold up to save space when not in use. They generally fall in the mid to higher price range compared to other types of fitness equipment, and again, price often reflects quality.

A stair stepper provides another choice for those who want to burn calories and get a good cardio workout with reduced impact to knees and hips. Stepping height can be adjusted to accommodate different body sizes and fitness levels, however, it can be easy to put too much stress on ankles and back when using a stair stepper. Both size and price are in the moderate range.

Some people prefer the variety and intensity provided by a home gym or weight training station. People are more likely to exercise if they have several different options to choose from, and a selection of different or adjustable equipment provides the opportunity to target all areas of the body. However, home gyms tend to take up more space than other equipment and will almost always cost more for quality equipment. It may also be important to have instructions before using some features of the gym to avoid injury.

There are many other types of home fitness equipment, including free weights, ski machines, ab machines, and hybrids like exercise riders. Be sure to research a piece of equipment before buying and avoid those that make claims that sound too good to be true they probably are.

Many fitness experts and trainers recommend that you try out a piece of equipment before purchasing to be sure it feels comfortable. If buying online, try to find a gym or exercise store that has the equipment and give it a test ride. Most companies charge shipping and handling to return online orders if you return an item for reasons other than manufacturer defects or damage.

With all the choices for home fitness equipment available, you are sure to find a machine that fits your needs and budget. It just takes a bit of realistic planning.

About the Author:

C.J. Gustafson is a successful writer for,
your complete guide to home exercise equipment, the
best treadmill reviews, ab machines,
training equipment and more.

Copyright 2005

Permission is granted to publish this article on your site only if the
author's byline is included and all links are hyperlinked.

buying a used treadmill things you must know

Buying A Used Treadmill? Things You Must KnowWriten by Antigone Arthur

Used or refurbished treadmills are a great choice for consumers wanting a quality machine without spending thousands of dollars for a top of the line model. Most people can get a really good deal buying a used treadmill. Examples include Precor refurbished treadmills. Why not get healthy and save money at the same time?

Tips For Selecting Quality Used Machines

If you can't buy a new treadmill you probably can buy a refurbished one. There are plenty of top quality machines that enjoy the same perks as new treadmills. You can also save a ton of money if you opt for a refurbished machine. You'll also save yourself expensive gym fees if you have a treadmill in your home.

Benefits Of Used Treadmills

Used or refurbished treadmills offer all the same benefits as new ones. You get the convenience of home gym equipment without having to go to the gym. You can buy a top of the line model without spending a top of the line price. Often you can find a machine with added perks once refurbished. Most used machines also offer a limited warranty that helps protect parts and damage in the early months after your purchase.

What To Look For

You should look for the same features you would look for when buying a new treadmill if you plan to buy a refurbished one. Here are just a few features that may help you select your treadmill.

1.A good motor. You want to look for a treadmill that offers peak performance. This equates to roughly 1.5 continuous performance. High torque motors that operate at lower revolutions are also good motors.

2.Console - You want to find a treadmill whose console has the features you expect in a quality treadmill. At the very minimum you should check to make sure the console tells you the speed you are running at, distance you run, time that has elapsed and your pace. You can also buy a console that generates pre-programmed workouts. The more features you get the higher the price tag.

3.Body - Look for a treadmill with a long deck so you can run or walk at full stride. Most people need a treadmill longer than 52 inches to run at a comfortable stride. The frame should also be constructed of a durable material like steel.

4.Incline or Resistance - If you want a treadmill that will offer you diversity and resistance, you go for one that offers an incline. This will help mimic the real outdoors. You can practice running up hills using the incline.

5.Safety features - Any treadmill you buy should have built in safety features. These include an automatic stop button so you can turn the machine off instantly if you need to. You can also look for a treadmill that provides a safety key that you have to insert before you can turn it on. This feature is a good choice if you have young children around the house you need to keep from playing on your treadmill.

You might also consider buying a treadmill with a built in heart monitor. There are many different kinds of heart monitors that come with treadmills. The most common forms include chest straps or finger clips. Not all treadmills come with heart rate monitors. Keeping track of your heart rate while exercising however can help you maximize your workout.

Here are some other considerations to think about when buying a used treadmill:

  • Find a treadmill that features a quiet motor.

  • Look for a machine that offers a smooth ride even when you are running at a slow pace.

  • Avoid any treadmill that might skip a beat.

  • Make sure you buy a treadmill with easy to use instructions and an easy to adapt control panel.

By following these simple steps, you should be able to find a top notch treadmill for half the price when you buy used instead of new.

About The Author:

Antigone Arthur is a successful freelance writer with 10 years of professional experience providing consumers with informative articles on such topics as
treadmill ratings, best treadmills, and treadmill parts.

diet and exercise the two sides of the coin

Diet and Exercise - The Two Sides Of The CoinWriten by Lucy Bartlett

Diet and exercise should go hand in hand, the basic principle of any diet is to use more calories than you consume so you are in a calorific deficit.
Cutting back calories is one way of reaching your goal, only if you are using up more calories during the day than you consume without activity. But to boost your chances of losing fat you must exercise.

There are many reasons why exercise is an important factor in your lifestyle, but exercising when you are wishing to lose weight is sensible as your bodys natural response to calorie cutting is to go into starvation mode. Starvation mode is when your body slows down the metabolism so it can conserve the energy your body has to make it last longer. So rather than drastically cutting calories it is more advisable to exercise. For more information visit

Aerobic exercise is the way to increase the amount of calories you burn. Aerobic exercise will raise your heart rate which increases the amount of calories you burn. Exercises include, running, walking, swimming, cycling and jogging, of course there are many more aerobic activities to choose from its just a matter of personal taste.

Here are some tips to help you lose weight:

Eat less processed foods and more fresh produce.

Eat and chew your food slowly, try to stop eating before you feel full. It takes around 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain that it is full.
Exercise, even if it is just a small walk, every little helps.

Drink plenty of water, 6 8 glasses a day, this is very important not only to help you lose weight, but for your general well being.

Make your food portions smaller.

Eat smaller meals more frequently, try including protein with each meal as it digests slower and keeps your blood sugar levels on an even keel.
Remember that there are times when you are going to have off days, and you may eat a little more than you should or exercise a little less. Dont feel guilty as it is perfectly normal, just stay motivated and determined and you will be fine.

If you decide that you are going to try one of the popular diets on the market, ie Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach Diet or The Zone Diet, you must speak to your doctor first.

Lucy Bartlett is a proud contributing author. Find more articles here. For more info visit Diet Resource or Free Diet Plans

Saturday, November 22, 2008

shih tzu exercise for your pregnant shih tzu

Shih Tzu - Exercise For Your Pregnant Shih TzuWriten by Connie Limon

You, the breeder, is also an obstetrician at the time your shih tzu is pregnant. To help her pregnancy and delivery you need to keep her in peak condition physically and emotionally. If she is not use to much exercise at all, you definitely need to tone her up during her pregnancy. Even a mild exercise routine will improve the health of your pregnant shih tzu. Beginning and maintaining a regular exercise routine is not hard or expensive. The ideal time, however, is before your shih tzu becomes pregnant. A mild program of exercise may be safely continued to the seventh week of pregnancy. The best exercise is simply daily walks. And remember moderation is the best approach.

Small dogs, like the shih tzu, may be toned with a half mile daily. However, you may want to work up to a mile depending on the weather and both your physical conditions. Beyond building and toning your shih tzu's physique, the sharing of a common recreation is good for her emotional health as well.

Start your daily walks during the cooler hours of the warmer months, the warmer hours of the colder months. Each time of year has its own special dangers for your shih tzu. Begin your walks half-mile, one-quarter mile out, one-quarter mile back. Increase the distance the following week to a half mile out and a half mile back. Once you reach the half-mile level you can jog with your pregnant shih tzu if you desire, a few minutes at a time, but walking is highly recommended. Continue on this program until you are walking at least one mile daily if you desire.

In hot weather, the shih tzu's body is closer to heat reflected from paved surfaces. Care must be given to exercising during any periods of hot weather. Dogs sweat through their pads and tongue. If your dog is breathing heavily with glazed eyes and a hanging out tongue, she could be in serious danger. Take along plenty of water and watch her for signs of getting too hot. You don't want her to get over-heated at all. If she plops down or has minor tremors the moment she stop walking, get her to an emergency vet clinic as soon as possible. These are signs of heat exhaustion. So be careful about this.

In cold weather, never leave a warm house and begin jogging right away. Muscles need to be stretched and warmed up to prevent injury, lameness or soreness. Winter months in areas of snow can be dangerous. Aside from slipping and falling, certain areas are often spread with slip retardants such as sand, salt or other chemicals. The salt and chemicals are harmful to the shih tzu's footpads. If you have no choice during the winter of exercising in areas free from chemicals, purchase water/chemical-proof booties, and rinse your shih tzu's feet thoroughly after returning home.

In either hot or cold weather, check your shih tzu's feet daily. Check the pads and the soft-tissue areas between the pads for damage such as rawness, swelling, splitting or discoloration. Keep the nails trimmed.

There is no reason for a normally active and healthy pregnant shih tzu to have her physical activities restricted. Such restrictions could be harmful to her during delivery through lack of muscle tone. Restriction from normal activity can also promote an emotionally discontent pregnant shih tzu. Her attitude can affect her puppies in utero and then later after whelping as well.

If your shih tzu is used to playing with children, let her continue to do so at her own will and pace. Explain to your children to be extra careful with your pregnant shih tzu and avoid roughhouse play. Tell the children in terms they can easily understand, such as: Fetch is fine. Wrestling is out.

Always comfort your pregnant shih tzu and let her know of your devotion to her with words and actions she is familiar with. Soon the little rascals will arrive and everyone will be soooo happy!

Connie Limon publishes a FREE weekly newsletter. A professional newsletter with a focus upon health and wellness for you and your pets. Weekly coupons on shih tzu puppies and other products are offered to subscribers. Weekly updates of available puppies with hotlink to the available puppies page on the website. Sign up at:

exercises for love handles

Exercises for Love HandlesWriten by Andrew Bicknell

Dont you just hate your loves handles? No, come one, really? Dont you just hate them? No matter how hard you exercise they are always there. Do you know why? Because there are no specific exercises for love handles. Love handles are just excess body fat that likes to hang off the side of your hips over the waist of your pants. And there isnt an exercise in the world that can tighten up fat.

You can do thousands of sit-ups, crunches, and other equally painful Ab exercises all for naught. You have to get rid of the fat if you ever have a chance of getting rid of your love handles. If you are indeed doing abdominal exercises then once the fat begins to go away you will start to see the fruits of your hard work. That nice six-pack thats been hiding beneath its warm blanket of fat and most importantly your love handles will start to melt away.

There are a minimum of three things you must do to get rid of your love handles.

Diet This has nothing to do with the latest diet fad. This has everything to do with the nutritional value of the food you eat. Your body is a high performance machine. It needs protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins and minerals to function properly. A lean healthy diet will allow your body to metabolize its fate store more efficiently

Core Strengthening Exercises - You must exercise and strengthen all your core muscles, not just your abs, if you want that firm toned midsection. In addition it is vitally important that you also exercise your major muscle groups which include your legs and back. These are the biggest muscles in your body and working them burns more calories then exercising just your abdominal muscles.

Cardio/Aerobic Training - The key to getting rid of fat is burning more calories than you take in. Aerobic training combined with the tips above does just that. If you want to get rid of belly fat then get up off the couch and go for a walk, take a bike ride, or play some hoops. Find something you like to do and keep doing it.

Remember there are no specific exercises for love handles. To make them disappear you have to not only exercise your core muscle groups but you also need to burn the extra calories to get rid of the fat. Only then will your love handles start to disappear.

To find additional information about Exercises for Love
Handles, Burning Fat and Diet Advice
Click Here

health as habit nutrition exercise and weight loss

Health As Habit: Nutrition, Exercise, And Weight LossWriten by Donovan Baldwin

Habits are really hard to break. It doesn't matter if they are bad habits or good habits. They CAN be tough to break. This is terrible if it is a bad habit, but it can be a major asset if it is a good habit. Once something good for you becomes a habitual part of your daily existence, and you regularly and willingly do it without prompting, you may begin to recognize the value of this new habit of yours.

The good side of a GOOD habit is that it is hard to break. The bad side of a BAD habit is...well, you guessed is also hard to break. The good news is that habits are pretty easy to establish...even the good ones! While a bad habit might be hard to break, it is often fairly easy to create a good habit that replaces it.

One area where a few good habits could do a lot for you is in the area or health. If we look at nutrition, exercise, and weight loss, we might be able to come up with a few good habits it would be nice to have, and we might even figure out how to build these habits into our lives.


First things first. The creation of a habit usually depends on two things, repetition and time. If you decide to make a serious lifestyle change, it may be hard to do for several different reasons. One reason is impetus vs. inertia. Often, the initial decision to make a major lifestyle change is caused by some force...a friend dies of a heart attack, the doctor gives you a stern warning, your twentieth high school reunion is coming up, a new book on weight loss comes out, or a new exciting diet plan hits the market. Maybe it's internal. You just get tired of things being the way they've always been and you decide to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

So now you have impetus, and it is enough to carry you over the next few hours or days. After a while, however, that initial burst of motivation tends to fade, and eventually you stop showing up at the gym, you go back to eating pie ala mode, or you drop out of the local community college because all the changes you have made are just too hard to keep going.

Therefore, my initial suggestion is that you try to break your lifestyle changes (i.e. new habits) into bite-size chunks, carefully chewing, swallowing, and digesting each one before beginning the next. I suggest you pick up a book on the subject of Kaizen.


For example: Let's say you want to eat a diet which is more healthy than the diet you eat now.

NOTE: When I use the word diet in this article, I simply mean the things you eat. That's what a diet actually is. It is a list of things you eat. In the last few years, many people have forgotten that original meaning of the word, and, when they hear diet want to know, Which diet? We're just using it to refer to what you eat.

In the interest of improving your health, you have decided to make some changes to your diet. Which of these would seem to be the most effective plan? By effective, I mean the one you think you could stay with.

* Go into your cupboard, pantry, and fridge and throw out all the food you have and then go to the grocery store and stock up on tofu, bean curds, and beverages made from green persimmons, or whatever.

* Pick one thing that you know is not good for you and drop it from your diet or find a substitute for it. Let yourself get used to the change and then move on to something else.

You know, I love popcorn and ice cream. As I grew older and began to discover fat on my body in places where there hadn't even been places before, I made a momentous decision. I would have to cut out popcorn and ice cream. You know how long that lasted! In fact, literally within seconds, a part of me began to feel depressed, I felt like I was being punished for something I hadn't done, and then I began to come up with arguments that ice cream and popcorn weren't really the problem. There must be something I wasn't doing right, but it wasn't the popcorn and ice cream....Really!

Taking my own advice, I did two things:

1. I bought ice cream in the form of small ice cream sandwiches and cups of ice cream. Rather than denying myself ice cream completely, I allowed myself to have one of these servings (smaller than the bowl of ice cream I would normally have eaten) a day.

2. I also bought popcorn in single serving bags. Previously, I would have popped a regular size bag and eaten it all myself.

Not a perfect or final answer to the problem, of course, but a step towards a solution. Interestingly enough, after I had been having my popcorn and ice cream in these reduced sizes, I eventually began to feel a little put off by the thought of eating as much as I used to.

I used the same small-step process to move from sugar to artificial sweetener, and eventually to stevia. I went from several cups of coffee a day to several fewer cups of green tea.

Do you want to improve the overall quality of your health? Why not start by simply creating a habit of taking one multivitamin daily? Then, start making some other changes. Maybe you can get an idea from what I did, or come up with your own small steps. Don't try to do it all at once, and realize that small steps mean small outcomes, but a lot of small steps will mean a large result eventually.


Just like the goals in your nutrition plan were not intended to make you dread eating or make you eat foods you detested, your exercise experience should be founded on a desire to find things you like to do that also provide the benefits of a formal exercise program.

You do not want to jump in with both feet and start exercising for long periods every day until you cannot stand the thought of ever exercising again. If you have not been exercising regularly recently (high school doesn't count) you need to start ANY exercise at an easy level and very gradually ease into more difficult activities or levels.

NOTE: One reason people give up on exercise programs is because they don't seem to be seeing any results. If you have begun exercising regularly and are gradually increasing the demands of your exercise program, rest assured that things are happening. Your body is making adjustments to your circulation, respiration, heart, lungs, liver, blood vessels, hormones, glands, immune system...even the blood supply itself. Things ARE happening, even if you cannot see or measure them. Just like a steady drip of water can eventually erode a solid rock, exercise will improve your physical and mental health in a multitude of ways.

Many articles in popular magazines recommend incorporating exercise into daily activities such as taking stairs instead of using elevators, parking farther out in the parking lot, and so on. While I wouldn't recommend these as exercise programs in themselves, these might very well be ways to ease into an exercise program or begin building the basics of an exercise habit.

You might want to try out different activities to see what you really enjoy, and what will fit into your life style and schedule. Someone who travels a great deal, for example, may want to focus on yoga or walking, while someone who has more free time and access to a pool may choose swimming. In fact, doing yoga while traveling, swimming while at home, and walking while at home or away, would be a great way of incorporating a little variety into your program. You don't have to do the same exercise every day to get the health benefits.

Whatever you choose, ease into it. There's no hurry! Even with a small beginning and small incremental increases in duration or intensity, you will soon see and feel positive results. Once the activities you choose become a habit, you will hate to miss your workout even if it's gardening or playing with the grandkids. Then you will be on a solid pathway to health.


This final section will be the shortest and the easiest to write...and for you to read, for that matter. If you skimmed down to the bottom of the page, skipping over the sections above, go back and read them now.

Effective, permanent weight loss means changing the things that got you to where you are now. You will have to make changes to take the weight off and keep it off. There are a lot of things that can take the weight off of you, but only lifestyle changes will keep it off. There is an old saying, If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will keep getting what you have been getting. Changing your nutritional habits for better health, and getting the exercise you also need for health, will result in genuine, permanent weight loss in addition to increased health and a greater enjoyment of life.

Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer. A gradute of the University Of West Florida (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and has held several managerial positions. After retiring from the U. S. Army in 1995, he became interested in internet marketing and developed various online businesses. He has been writing poetry, articles, and essays for over 40 years, and now frequently publishes articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters. He has blogs on the subjects of weight loss and health, hybrid cars and alternative fuels, and internet marketing and related business topics.

Friday, November 21, 2008

exercise and proper diet indispensable ingredients of fitness and healthy living

Exercise and Proper Diet: Indispensable Ingredients of Fitness and Healthy LivingWriten by Jason Murphy

For the past several years, there is hullabaloo on the need to be slim and sexy. Grocery shelves are filled with several food supplements and other products that promise certain health and wellness benefits. Home TV shopping channels also offer everything from slimming tea to herbal soap to 'instant abs' exercise gadgets. Gyms across the country are fast gaining members who are willing to sweat it out just to burn excess calories from mindless munching and eating. There is also an increasing number of vegetarianism and raw food diet converts who vow to trade juicy hamburgers for fresh vegetables and fruits. People who are stressed out dream of luxurious spa treatments, Thai and Swedish massages, and detoxification diets. All of a sudden, there's the need to attain fitness and healthy living. This desire can be attributed to man's realization that the world he is living in is too polluted and toxic. Fitness and healthy living seems to be man's only hope in staying sane and sound in this otherwise hostile world.

If one wishes to achieve fitness and healthy living, he should go for 'holistic' approach. A person who wants to have super-fit body goes to the gym a lot and sticks to rigorous exercise routines. There's nothing seemingly wrong with this but he should also see to it he is eating the right kinds of food. It is not enough to be physically fit outside; one has to strive to be internally and externally healthy. Body builders have to follow specific diets appropriate for his physical needs. It is a must to consult personal trainers who can prescribe a proper workout routine and the corresponding diet needed for such routine. Furthermore, people with weight problems should not only focus on improving their diet. Overweight and obese people also need to regularly exercise. One sure way to improve one's health condition is through exercising and eating wisely. A person should consider these two key aspects as a two-in-one package.

Fitness and healthy living cannot be attained without the exercise of one's will. An overweight person cannot be fit and healthy just be watching TV all day and expecting to wake up slim the next morning. Fitness and healthy living requires a lot of effort and involves many decision-making opportunities. One must be really determined to improve his diet and religiously follow exercise routines to be able to resist temptations that may go along the way. Sometimes, it is too tempting to pig out a little more often and to just watch movies at home instead of exercising and eating good food. But if a person firmly decided to be slim and sexy, he should be willing to let go of life's needless pleasures.

For more valuable information on Fitness and Healthy Living, please visit

horizon treadmills great product lousy service

Horizon Treadmills Great Product, Lousy ServiceWriten by Peter Clark

There is a general consensus in magazine ratings of treadmills that Horizon treadmills offer a great fitness package for exercisers at any level. With a range of great workout features, including a specially cushioned running belt and easy to use interactive controls to help you get the most out of your workout, consumer reports of treadmills almost uniformly rate Horizon treadmills in a positive way. There is however one exception, something that throws a spanner in the consumer reports: treadmills are only as good as the customer service that supports them, and magazine ratings of treadmills report that this is where Horizon treadmills fall short.

While the magazine ratings of treadmills produced by fitness equipment experts might not be concerned with the customer service offered by a treadmill manufacturing company, the same is certainly not true of consumer reports. Treadmills are, like any other electronic device you might buy for your home, subject to faults, and while Horizon treadmills, for the most part, offer a reliable product and might not display many of these flaws, they are sometimes susceptible to them. While Horizon treadmills might provide a great workout when they work, an important point is raised by consumer reports: treadmills that remain broken for a protracted period do not provide the optimum workout and with poor customer service, broken treadmills dont get fixed fast.

Though they usually rate Horizon treadmills positively, magazine ratings of treadmills report that the companys customer service is not as good as the machine itself. One reviewer points out that Horizon treadmills are one of the best available in their price range unless they break. While magazine reviews usually cite Horizon treadmills as being reliable, it seems that when they fail securing replacement parts and a repair person to fit them can be difficult.

There is little as frustrating as having to stop working out when you are on course to meet your fitness goals. While there is little doubt that Horizon treadmills offer a combination of features that add up to a great workout, but the reliability of the companys customer service is an important part of the treadmill package. If Horizon treadmills are the one for you, be sure to find all the relevant repair contact numbers before you happen to need them, and if the Horizon treadmills service is unsatisfactory, be sure to stand your ground so that you can stay on course with your fitness goals.

A great treadmill and great service should go together, but dont always seem to.

To find out more about Treadmills visit Peter's Website Treadmill Answers at and find out about The Best Treadmill and more, including Smooth Treadmills, and Cheap Treadmills

exercise bikes recumbent or stationary

Exercise Bikes - Recumbent or Stationary?Writen by Andre Best

Exercise bikes are a wonderful way to get a low-impact exercise workout. Of course today's bikes like those from Sportsart, Tunturi, Nordictrack, Schwinn, and Pro Form are a far cry from the bikes offered many years ago.

You know the ones - the lightweight plastic flywheel, the tiny seat, and no statistical monitoring whatsoever.

Well, as you probably know today's exercise bike offers a stationary bike rider so much more. Now a person has to decide between getting the lower profile comfortable recumbent style or the high-seated traditional stationary style bike.

Of course each has its advantages but to ensure that you get the most value and best fit for your needs one should ensure that any bike reviews consider several critical and necessary features.

Because an exercise bike provides a lower-impact workout they also require longer usage to get maximum benefit. What does this mean? It means that using this type of home exercise equipment is going to require a person to spend many, many hours using the bicycle.

With this in mind, it's absolutely critical that any stationary and recumbent exercise bikes considered has several key features detailed.

An appropriately supporting seat. Some manufacturers provide seats that are plastic and rather small. As you might expect, these are going to get uncomfortable. Fast.

So make sure the seat is large enough and supportive enough to accommodate today's heavier riders.

Because it can get rather boring just riding for hours on end, make sure the bike is quiet enough to operate while a television is on in front of you. You won't regret this.

Modern recumbent and stationary exercise bikes have a computerized console panel above the handlebars. Both cheap and expensive bikes have this feature. And because these consoles tell you all the stats you may need to monitor while exercising, like calories burned, time, distance, exercise level, and speed, you want to make sure that you are going to be putting your bike near a power outlet at home.

It's rare to find a model that still operates on only batteries. So make sure you plan in advance where you want your bicycle to be located in your home.

There are other minor features that are more personal preference but still should be considered. The main ones are:

- pedal straps

- seat height adjustability/flexibility

- cup holders

- warranties

Overall, if you ensure to consider these points prior to doing your exercise bike reviews you will be sure to come out with a bike that is more than acceptable and capable of giving you the workout you need.

And want.

Written by Andre Best

President, Ultimate Results, Inc.

'Whatever You're Now Seeking - We Can Help You Find'

Thursday, November 20, 2008

exercise rowing machines

Exercise Rowing MachinesWriten by Gary Gresham

Exercise rowing machines are a great way to get aerobic exercise. The more muscles you use when you exercise, the less time it takes to give your body a full workout.

Rowing moves your body through a wider range of motion than most activities, stretching your muscles and rotating your joints. Exercise rowing machines works out muscles in your arms, legs, stomach and torso building muscular strength and endurance.

Your heart and lungs can also benefit from rowing exercise. The benefit of rowing exercise is similar to other forms of aerobic workouts. The continuous upper body motion is also great for raising your heart rate to your target zone.

Rowing burns calories faster than biking, is easier to do and rowing can even firm up your butt. Rowing is a smooth motion, rhythmic and impact free activity that puts little strain on the muscles and joints if done correctly.

However, people with back problems should proceed with caution because rowing can put a strain on your back. Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.

Rowing is a very versatile sport that can be done indoors or out. It is a complete exercise that is satisfying, enjoyable to do and provides a balance of fitness benefits.

You can get a great workout with rowing whether you are indoors, on an exercise rowing machine or outdoors enjoying the fresh air. You can row solo or join a local rowing club for the social benefits.

The steady rhythm of rowing will challenge your body, but it can also help calm your mind. Picture yourself rowing outdoors on a quiet lake; your body, your mind, the boat and the water all blended into one blissful space in time.

Copyright 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.

This article is supplied by where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to:

exercise and weight loss for life the magic formula doctors dont want you to know

Exercise and Weight Loss for Life - The Magic Formula Doctor's DON'T Want You to Know!Writen by Greg Ryan

In twenty years of consistant exercising, maintaining a low percentage of body fat and working with thousands of successful stories in weight loss, here are three of the best attitudes to use for a weight loss and exercise program for the rest of your life.


The health clubs are always racking their brains trying to figure out why they have
such a hard time keeping members coming back. Most owners would argue that
cash flow and profit margins are the most important reason to retain membership.
Yes, but what drives customers to these health clubs?

These owners have lost touch with what matters most, the customer! Give the
customer more than they expect and they will continue to do business with you.
Selling a product or service is about people more so than numbers on a


I want you to think of this principle in your workout. You know it is very easy to get
burdened down with all the details of an exercise and diet program. While
guidelines are necessary, at times focusing too much on the numbers can and will
set you up for failure.

You may start to think all this counting calories, reps, and keeping track of heart
rates are too much to accomplish. Unexpectedly, you start to lose sight of your
goals and it becomes more of a job than a hobby or stress release. You may even
quit exercising. This can be an immediate sinkhole for you.

It would be unrealistic to think you are not going to have some tough days. Its hard
getting in shape. It takes determination and discipline. More importantly, it takes
looking over those down days to the end goal. Do not get too worked up about
hitting all the numbers on the charts all the time.


The only way you will follow through on an exercise program is to be sold out. The
military calls them lifers. These are people who are committed to something for
the long haul. Are you a lifer? Could you be a lifer?

A lifer has a sold out mindset. He or she realizes that there will be potholes to go
through; there may even be a sinkhole up ahead, but they get through it or they go
around the situation. It may take support from others, but it gets done. You may
not be a lifer today, but you could be if you dont make changes now!


I was named Mr. Michigan in the statewide bodybuilding contest in 1988. When I
competed in bodybuilding contests, it took me a good month to decide if I really
wanted to go for that particular goal. The decision process was well thought out. I
realized the days ahead would bring doubt, frustration, pain, and at times, humility.
There is a sense of relief that comes with making a decision. Perhaps because once
that decision is made, all the pressure is off.



Having a sold out attitude helps you persevere through some of the down times.
There were a lot of times I just wanted to quit. But I always remembered that I had
made a decision to stay in it for the long haul. My workouts did not have to be
perfect all the time, as long as I kept moving forward. I just had to persevere, no
matter what! So I did.


A small part of all of us needs to be self- motivated. You cannot do it alone. You will
always need a good support system; however, somewhere inside a little self-
motivation needs to be smoldering to keep the fire going.


Having self-discipline is different than being self-motivated. You can be motivated,
but not disciplined. However, you cannot be disciplined without being motivated. No
one will or can exercise for you. Nor can they tell you what to eat for the rest of your
life. Being self-disciplined requires you to consistently keep the main goal in mind.


Each of you is different. You will put into exercise a certain amount of effort and
everyone will get something different from it. You cannot just package good
intentions and say, If you do this or if you buy that, you will receive this in return.
It just doesnt work that way.

In a nut shell:

While guidelines are needed, try not to get bogged down with the details. Make a
decision to make exercise and eating right a priority in your life, even if it is not up
to your expectations.

Exercise and better eating will give back a very fulfilling life. But you have to keep
your eye on the ball. Speed bumps and potholes will always be there in season. The
process of avoiding them can be a lot more fun than you can imagine.

Greg Ryan best selling author of the Changing
from the INSIDE OUT, former employee of Kathy Smith
and a high profile fitness expert. Discover the five step
common sense way to lose weight that the
medical and fitness industrys DONT want you
to know. FREE Mini Course

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

food for thought exercise your mind

Food for Thought: Exercise Your MindWriten by Debra Gorin

Depression is a disorder marked by sadness, low energy, impaired concentration, and feelings of dejection. Some people believe that depression is normal. Hectic daily activities and the conflict between family and career cause constant stress. Yet depression and anxiety as a response to stress are not normal. They can be signs of illness, which may worsen and result in physical symptoms or an inability to function.

Life was much simpler for the last two generations. Father worked; mother stayed home. This is no longer the model. Some now view families as an endangered species. There are more single mothers working than ever before. There is greater stress and competition for well-paying jobs. The result: long hours at work, away from the family. Children are raised with limited supervision. Thus we see more children with emotional problems derived from a lack of knowledge as to who they are and what their role is in todays society. Similarly, adults suffer from the loss of nurturing that family time should provide.

Until recently, mental health was not discussed openly. However, there is a growing awareness that choosing therapy can be helpful, even necessary, to cope with todays life. Psychiatric help is often sought for the entire family. Today, being healthy means not only having a sound body, but also a sound mind and spirit.

People exercise their bodies daily, yet they neglect to exercise their feelings and emotions. Young men are taught to hide and deny emotions. Women are reluctant to seek help in coping with their depression, anxiety, or distressed relationship. The same fitness fanatic who exercises daily, eats right and has two physicals a year will neglect the mind until a crisis is reached. Emotional problems dont just happen, but are cumulative and they can be avoided at times with the same daily fitness and annual physical approach we use when caring for our bodies.

The Chinese say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Just like its better to maintain a healthy heart than recover from a heart attack, dealing with emotional issues is easier before the chaos of a crisis breaks. Think about exercising your emotions and give your mental health professional a call.

Debra S. Gorin, M.D. received her medical degree from the University of Miami School of Medicine. She is a diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. She has been in private practice as a Psychiatrist for the past sixteen years in the Fort Lauderdale area. Dr. Gorin treats all types of stress-related, emotional and psychiatric problems of children, adolescents, and adults. She is also a trained hypnotherapist. Visit her website ( to view her growing library of psychiatric and health-related articles. Dr. Gorin's weblog can be viewed at
She can be contacted at

buy a bike and ride yourself back into shape

Buy a Bike and Ride Yourself Back into ShapeWriten by Lance Winslow

Did you know one of the easiest ways to stay in shape is to ride a bike? It is true and it is easy too. Why not buy a mountain bike and ride for 30 minutes to one hour per day to get back in shape. You will not hurt your knees and as the pounds come off you will have more energy to exercise more and then it will become a habit meaning your will be able to eat any darn thing you please?

So what kind of bike should you get then? Well on the Mountain Bike; nothing too expensive for instance you should not even care if it is used and you can buy it on eBay and have it shipped to you, as long as it is fairly decent, not stolen and presentable. Personally, I prefer Yellow or Blue, although that is not too much of a concern, but maybe you have a favorite color in mind?

My deal is that in College I was in great shape, but now I am somewhat out of shape and I just need to get back into shape without screwing up my knees. So, I must start exercising, I need to ditch about 15-20 pounds is all. Perhaps you might do the same as I have and ditch some of those extra pounds for good and eat anything you please. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

shih tzu kennel exercise areas

Shih Tzu Kennel Exercise AreasWriten by Connie Limon

Many types of surfaces can be used in exercise yards. They all have problems to one degree or another. A very common surface covering for a Shih Tzu exercise yard is crushed gravel. It keeps the Shih Tzu out of the mud and is relatively easy to scoop up droppings from the stone. Urine runs through easily, keeping it off the Shih Tzus feet. One effective treatment for Shih Tzu gravel exercise yards is applying dry lime. Sprinkle the lime lightly over the entire yard and then wash through the gravel with a hose. Use enough water to ensure that the top surface is free of any residue, and also to ensure that the lime solution reaches the dirt underneath where the parasites are.

Concrete patio blocks can be used as a substitute for crushed gravel in a Shih Tzu exercise yard. They can even be used in addition to the gravel as a base in which the blocks rest. It is more difficult to pick up droppings from the patio blocks than from the bare gravel, but it can be done.

Another treatment for Shih Tzu exercise yards is to pave the entire surface with concrete. Polish the surface of the concrete while it is drying to have a finish that will be easy to keep clean. However, a polished surface will be too smooth for the Shih Tzu to run on efficiently. A brushed concrete finish is best for the Shih Tzu to run on, but is much more difficult to keep sterilized. A concrete surface can easily be scrubbed down with hot water and soap on a daily basis to help prevent build-up that could cause problems for your Shih Tzu.

One problem with concrete runs for a Shih Tzu exercise yard is that urine does not disappear rapidly enough, which makes it possible for the Shih Tzu to run through it. This quickly accumulates and forms a sticky substance on the Shih Tzus feet and the tips of the hair.

Many Shih Tzu kennels maintain a large fenced running area adjacent to the regular individual kennel runs that are covered with grass. The Shih Tzu is able to exercise on a softer material. The grassy areas, however, cannot be used in rainy weather, especially if you keep your Shih Tzu in full coat. Romping Shih Tzu can turn wet grassy areas into a mud field very rapidly. There is also the serious problem of keeping a grass covered area sterilized. Any chemical strong enough to destroy parasites and their eggs would also destroy the grass. In northern areas where there is severe ground freezing during several weeks of the year, the problem is less serious.

Large exercise areas are of great importance for the overall development of the Shih Tzu. For any dog to develop and to maintain the p0roper musculature, he must have a large area in which he can run, play and romp freely.

Connie Limon is a Shih Tzu breeder. She publishes a FREE weekly newsletter with a focus upon health and wellness for you and your pets. Designer dog clothes are offered on the website. Discounts are offered to subscribers. Sign up at:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

fat loss guide eating and exercise

Fat Loss Guide - Eating And ExerciseWriten by Michael Russell

When people are planning to start on a fat-loss program the very first thing they want to attack is their belly. They all have a dream of turning a beer gut into a rock hard six-pack. But after only a few weeks of hard work, nothing seems to happen and soon they will give up.

In this article I will try to explain, why this always happens and that you may also be using the wrong exercises, or the right exercises but in the wrong manner. Either way you are not doing yourself any good.

But you must never give up - it's only for losers to quit! Remember that!

The very first thing you must always have in your mind is: All abdominal exercises strengthen abdominal muscles, and only that! Your abdominal muscles are covered by at thick layer of fat when you begin - then they still will be covered by the very same layer of fat when you finish. Yes, of course you will have stronger abdominal muscles but you will still have the same look.

If you want to have visible abdominal muscle, you will first have to lose fat! And you do that by dieting and aerobic exercises, that way you will burn more calories than you take in. When you have reduced your waistline a bit, then you are ready to move on to those abdominal six-pack exercises

All you have to do, is to reduce calorie intake and do some light exercise to burn calories. Losing fat can only be done by exercising more and eating less - it's very simple, nothing complicated about that!

Do some light exercise 30-minutes every day, if you want to you can even break the 30-minutes down to 3 10-minutes exercise sessions - doing whatever you like to do, biking, walking, light jogging, rowing or even climbing stairs! Anything will burn calories!

It seems to make sense to eat five to six meals every day, instead of the regular three meals. That's because your body can handle small meals much better than big ones - your digestive system simply cannot absorb those big meals, therefore much of it will turn into fat!

It will take your brain about twenty minutes to get the message that your stomach is full, so be careful to eat slowly as well. How often have you eaten beyond the capacity that is required simply because the message hasn't got through?

NOTE: Diet or exercise regimes should not be embarked on without seeking the advice of a health care professional.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Weight Loss


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