Epic Treadmills - Decent Quality At An Affordable PriceWriten by Tim Gorman
Epic treadmills are a great favorite with a lot of today's fitness crazed treadmill owners, primarily because they offer a wide range of features and are much more affordable than many of the other models on the market. Their most popular model the T20 has a lot of very useful features such as tracing your recent work out patterns to include the ability to perform this function for several different users. It also has a suspension on the belt that has been favorably reviewed as helping to lessen the impact of running on the joints. This can be very helpful if you workout a lot or if you suffer from joint problems. If you want good value with plenty of features than epic treadmills can give a lot of treadmill for not a lot of money.
The T60 is also a good cheap treadmill model with a lot of different features. It has a three horsepower motor with LED readouts and several pre set programs. It is not a model for a dedicated runner but more of a budget model however, with that said it is still very good and effective for those that want something that allows them to enjoy the benefits of a decent treadmill at a reasonable price.
Epic treadmills have the advantage of being widely sold and so are much more easily accessible than many of the more specialist brands. They are also sold by some of the major discount fitness and exercise stores which can lead to even greater savings. If you want something of a better quality, then you would need to go to a specialist retailers store rather than the discount price stores where Epic likes to sell their machines. Some of the more upscale treadmill brands can cost a great deal more and although the quality is usually good, this can put it out of the range of many that just want a good machine that is not too expensive.
Naturally, with the prices being very low and also having a lot of features, the build quality is not quite as good as some of the other models, but it really depends on what you want out of your exercise machine. If you want a very good, well-built treadmill machine then you will have to pay a bit more, but the Epic treadmills offer a good, reasonable quality treadmill for a very good price and there are many fitness enthusiasts that are very happy with their line of treadmills and use them regularly with no problems.
Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Treadmill-Solutions.com where he provides more treadmill ratings, recommendations and information on finding the best treadmills to include the poplular line of epic treadmills that you can research in your pajamas on his website.